Peace Week 2017

I have been learning about Peace Week.
Peace Week is an annual tradition organised by The Peace Foundation every year. You can learn more about The Peace Foundation by following this LINK.

As a way to learn about Peace Week I did three different Peace Week activities.

With Miss Brennan we created a poster to help promote peace and Peace Week.
With Mrs Baker we made hand print doves and wrote messages of peace on them.
With Mr Horn we looked at the symbols of peace such as the dove and created origami doves.

Here is an example of one of my activities

Student Led Conference

My highlight at my student led conference was my writing because I liked showing my mum my writing from this term and how much I have improved.

I am most proud of sharing my reading because I learned more from it.

I think my parents enjoyed maths because at home they are trying to teach me math.

Next time I would like to share more of my learning because I didn't get through all of it.


My learning goal this term is to order and sequence the ideas in a text and understand  correct grammatical features in text.
I can do this by writing the story in order and understanding words I have never heard of before.
This photo shows my learning:

Procedural Writing

WALHT write a procedure.
Something I learned  about writing a procedure is to use adverbs and verbs in my writing.
Something I would like to do better is putting more detail in my piece of writing.
Here is a photo of my writing:


At dance were learning a move called a cross body lead.
The dance I enjoyed the most is hip hop.
The two dances I learned were hip hop and salsa.


WALHT  interpret data and record our findings.
Something I learned was how to find out clues about data.
Here is a photo to show you my learning.

Music, Dance Term 4 2016

We are learning how to:

  • Perform as a group
We will know we have been successful when we: